THBT Social Activists should not push for the promotion of White Guilt in School Curriculum
Info Slide
Info slide: "White guilt refers to a belief that all white people bear a collective responsibility for the harm which has resulted from historical or current racist treatment of people belonging to other racial groups"
Round 2
THBT developing nations should hold referendums before issuing sovereign debt
Round 3
THBT the media should not report on the mental health of those accused of crimes
Round 4
THBT NATO should fast-track and accept Ukraine's bid to join the alliance
Round 5
THW ban *negative advertising in elections. *political ads in which a politician or party focuses on criticizing another politician or party
Round 6
THR the Partition of Indian Subcontinent in 1947
THR the societal pressure to get out of one's comfort zone
"THW not allow Non-Democratic Nations to bid for hosting Global Sporting Events (World Cup,Asia Cup etc.)"
THBT it is in the interest of organized religion to prescribe strict requirements for personal sacrifice (e.g. not being allowed to work on Sabbath, not eating during Ramadan etc.)
Grand Final
THS militant forms of Animal Rights Activism
Novice Semifinals
"THW not allow Non-Democratic Nations to bid for hosting Global Sporting Events (World Cup, Asia Cup etc.)
Novice Finals
THR anger being discouraged as a response to injustice